More news on London Recruits in The Guardian, a C&C trailer

A great piece in the Guardian for 'London Recruits' the story of the white freedom fighters whose efforts were a vital part of ending apartheid in South Africa. We're thrilled to be working with John Giwa-Amu (the producer of The Machine) again on this important film. Coffee & Cigarettes have produced the trailer which played


New Box Set Design / Another sexy boxset (literally) for our friends at Axiom Films. It's Cinema Provocateur. Thanks so much for our copies guys, they look great! To view poster portfolio click here

400 Days U.S. release

More news on 400 Days U.S. release and our badass poster: CLICK HERE TO VIEW MORE NEWS SYNOPSIS 400 Days is an independent 2015 American psychological science fiction film written and directed by Matt Osterman, and starring Brandon Routh, Caity Lotz, Ben Feldman, and Dane Cook as astronauts sent on a 400-day-long simulated mission to