An Actor Prepares

Our trailer for ' An Actor Prepare ' Our trailer for 'An Actor Prepares' starring Jeremy Irons. coming soon to theatres in the USA: Comedy After suffering a heart attack, a hard-drinking actor drives across the country with his estranged son for one last adventure.

Michael Flatley’s spy thriller

Our UK Theatrical poster for Michael Flatley's'BlackBird' It's got action... it's got romance... it's got Michael Flatley as you've never seen him before... it's spy thriller 'Blackbird' The Guardian review below: The Devil Outside review "The ex-Lord of the Dance is starring in Blackbird, a film he’s written and directed, that sees him as a

The Devil Outside

Our UK Theatrical poster for 'The Devil Outside' Our quad and the 1-sheet poster for The Devil Outside. Both posters created for Protagonist Pictures. We wish the film best of luck! Screen daily review below: The Devil Outside review "A boy raised within the sheltered certainties of a born again Christian family finds his faith