The Runner, is an emotive, gritty and inspiring story of two people from very different worlds who cross paths at a critical time in their life’s. Both have an innate need to run and have been running their whole life’s but for very different reasons.

Nikki, 28, a determined British athlete and Olympic hopeful from Hackney, has a chance encounter with Aylam, 14, a vulnerable Syrian refugee boy who has just arrived to London alone, having walked, swam and ran away from tragedy.
Having recently obtained an injury, a devastated and impatient Nikki finds herself with more time on her hands as she goes through recovery. She tends to keep people at arms length so that she can just focus on her running, but Aylam’s silent cry for help breaks down her guard and a growing sense of responsibility and an awareness of the world outside of the track starts to develop. Athletics is her everything, it changed her life for the better. She encourages a withdrawn Aylam to run as it’s the only thing she knows. Aylam, a gifted runner, finally finds something that makes him happy.

Without realising she has given him hope for the future and a place to escape his loss and isolation. In return, Aylam shows Nikki that there is a life waiting for her outside the track too.However, politics and prejudices starts to creep into the stadium bringing about tough circumstances, which threatens their newfound belief and their future on the track and outside it.

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Wolf Runner Films
Director/Writer/Producer/Exc. Producer: Sunnie Sidhu
Producer/Production Manager: Sophie Le
Producer’s/Director’s Assistant: Sophie Van Voorst
DOP: Saimawn Shen
Editor: Frederic Cook/Metropolis Films
Edit supervisor: Ramy Dance
Composer: Miles Hancock
Grader: Connor Coolbear
Sound mixer/ Sound designer: Ian Marriott-Smith
@TheRunnerFilmPR @sunniesidhu

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